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KPETS Keynotes
May 2012

Newsletter by Keystone Pet Enhanced Therapy Services

Thank you to our May Phone Resource Sponsor: Rob & Deb Reidenbach!

Mark Your Kalendar!

 So Much is Happening!!

Be sure to check out the KPETS Kalendar! 


Round Table Breakfast

* * May 19, 9 am * *

9 am - 12:30 ish

Note: this is the third Saturday of the month!

"Back by popular demand", we will be hosting another Pet First Aid Session presented by Nan Hanshaw, veterinarian and  KPETS volunteer. The cost is $10. This class will be open to the general public so RSVP asap if you would like to attend. Space is limited! 


Coming for July Round Table:

Rehabilitation Therapies Video by Intermountain Therapy Animals


 Pet Grief Support Group:

Every third Thursday at Fred F Groff, 234 W Orange Street,Lancaster 6:30 - 7:30 pm

Light refreshments. No charge. Just rsvp to lizkhoff@gmail.com or call 717-397-8255


Save the Date!

KPETS Patriotic Pet Expo:

Sunday, June 10! 



EXTREMELY Important Links

Please check out the Open Visit Requests


 If you have trouble or want to review previous KEYNOTES, they are available on the website at www.kpets.org

under the ABOUT tab.


FAQ's & Important Reminders

Safety Reminders !


Dogs must be kept a minimum distance of two feet apart when acting in behalf of KPETS.


KPETS insurance is liability insurance and for people only - not pets.


Watch your pet at all times. Be sure he/she is not stressed and that he/she is enjoying the visit. If he/she is not comfortable, and if pushed, it is a form of abuse.


Blogs of Interest


Chester Rima






Karen and the kids





Send us your pup's blog link and we'll be sure to add it to our list.


Interesting Tidbits

Riding out the Storm
Spring and summer bring changing weather patterns and dramatic weather (more...)


Pets Match Your Life Style

Just like people, pets have different personalities and energy levels. When you live with one whose matches yours, you've found the ultimate companion. (more...)

Prevent Destructive Chewing


Hours Logging

STATUS: TIckspot Volunteer Hours Tracking

300+ Registered KPETS Volunteers


105 -  Volunteers logging hours - that's 10 more from last month. Thank you! 


269 - Hours logged for April


2678 -  Interactions provided


PLEASE - to get accurate numbers we need EVERYONE to log their hours,and  # if  folks served!  


THE NOTES area is IMPERATIVE. Example if you serve 10 people and drive 15 miles,

enter: 10, 15,

Only enter numbers. If you want to add any text, do so ONLY after a SECOND COMMA.



"10, 15, took Sammy"


Also, please be sure to let us know if you do not see a facility you visit regularly in the 'task' list in Tickspot. We will need to add it for you.  
Thank You VERY Much!


Registration Dates


Sat, May 20 @ 1 pm Palmyra (and Sept 16)

Sat, June 9 @ 9 am Lancaster (2nd Sat of even months)

Mon, July 21 @ 9 am, York (and Nov 17)


Sat, Sept 19 @ 7 pm, Hanover

Tues, Oct 16 @ 7 pm, Westminster, MD


As needed in: Oxford, Mohnton and Maricopa


Workshops: RSVP!


2nd and 4th Tues, Lancaster 6:30 pm


4th Mon, 6:30 pm Palmyra or Lebanon (alternating months)


5 wk Training Workshop Next one starts Sun, May 20 from 3-4pm


For any of the above please RSVP to:Konnections@kpets.org


Sad Good-byes :(


Tucker Swartzell

With great sadness, we say 'good-bye' to a faithful little KPETS companion. Tucker, Gini Swartzell's little Pomeranian went over Rainbow Bridge to play with all the other precious pups we've had to say good-bye to all too soon!


Tucker would visit regularly every Tuesday at Holy Spirit Hospital. He did many special events with 'mom' Gini. His wardrobe  put mine to shame. Always bringing smiles to all who met him. 


He even "worked" at Pet Headquarters on Mondays and Wednesdays.

Tucker had diabetes for the last three years, and Gini did an excellent job of caring for her companion. Tucker was 14 years old.


Nizhoni - a Hershey Healer Team

Additional sad news of the passing of Nizhoni -- one of the Hershey Healer's team members (Art Miller is the owner). Nizhoni was the daughter in Art's "mother / daughter team" of "Navajo and Nizhoni." She was 5 years old.

Nizhoni was recently diagnosed with Lyme Disease. Just last Friday, she did her regular visiting at HMC's Cancer Clinic. The disease progressed quickly and shut down her kidneys and sadly, she passed away. 

She will be greatly missed by all at HMC.

John Chisem - Hershey Healer


Yet another. Former Hershey Healer, John Chisem, Cindy Miller's almost 17 year old Brittany Spaniel passed away one week before Nizhoni.


Sad and difficult times for our KPETS teams. Our furry friends just do not stay with us long enough :( 



Please excuse any typos or unintentional omissions. I did my best to put this together this month. I do want to keep you all in the loop of what is going on.

I want to thank Tami Snyder who is learning the ropes with doing the newsletter (no easy task). Hopefully next month things will be a bit more calm and more time can be dedicated to KPETS Keynotes!



Businesses That Care Expo 

$2000 awarded to KPETS!!


Thanks to all who voted for KPETS! These funds came just in a nick of time too!


Thank you to Red Rose Hearing for sponsoring KPETS at this year's Businesses that Care Expo presented by the Lancaster Hempfield Rotary at the Farm and Home Center, Lancaster on Saturday, May 12!


And MORE thanks to KPETS teams who staffed our booth. Heather Meany/Romeo, Bonnie Daisy/Aili, Mary Donecker/Daisy, Lori McGown/Marley, Rosemarie Rottmund/Missy, Winnie Gerlach & Spirit Carole Kirchner/Leo and Marjan van Schaik/Amber.




Meet our event sponsors-Opportunites available! 

* * * * * Star Sponsors * * * * * 

* Shaggy to Chic

* Willow Run Veterinary Clinic

* Carol Carlson - KPETS Volunteer!

Patriotic Sponsors

Conestoga Animal Hospital

K&K Kritter Sitters 



Don't miss this event! ! !


Sunday, June 10, 11 am -3 pm

Ephrata Grater Park and Eicher Center  


Join the Patriotic Pet Platoon Walk (click for pledge sheet...)

Gather pledges and join our walk. We'll escort veterans and/or their families along with our special pets - Touching Lives - Warming Hearts as we go. 

Invite and/or Recognize a Veteran (click to submit form...)

Are you veteran, military personnel or know of someone. Invite them to our special day just for them. The Eicher Center will be set up just for them - to connect with each other and for us to stop and thank them for their service to our great land. Submit the Recognition Form to have their name in our event program. 


Patriotic Pet Contest (dress the pooch to celebrate the day)


This year's expo will be packed with food, fun and vendors, along with all kinds of fun for you - with or without your pet.


We can always use more sponsors and vendors. If you know if anyone or a business who may be interested in participating in either way, please let us know and we can send them a sponsor letter or you can find one by clicking here.


Meet our May Resource Sponsors!

Phone Sponsor: Rob & Deb Reidenbach

Still need additional monthly sponsors for Internet Services, Rent and Printer 


Many thanks to our monthly Resource Sponsors who cover the cost of one of our monthly fixed costs for a specific month each year. Our goal is to get enough Resource Sponsors to cover these regular costs to help make balancing our budget a bit easier. It's not a easy task, balancing a budget without knowing what our 'income' will be. Click here to see all our sponsors and please consider helping us out one month a year. Ask your friends, employers, co-workers, or civic group you may be involved in. KPETS future needs your support. Thank you!

  • Internet Sponsor: 12 months needed at $120
  • Rent Sponsor: 12 months needed at $420
  • Phone Sponsor: 11 months needed at $55 
  • Printer Sponsor: ONLY 4 more needed for $100


Visits Mean What KPETS is all about ! Visit our blog

Your heart-warming stories and/or testimonials are welcome. Please send them to  blogger@kpets.org so we can share them!


Winters Mill High goes to the Dogs - by Jan Faust


Nellie joined Community Reading Night at Winters Mill High School in Westminster, Maryland on April 20th, 2012 that was organized by Ms. Gail Faust, Media Specialist for the high school. Nellie took a ride for an hour and a half to attend the event and it didn't dampen her enthusiasm one bit!!! This was Nellie's first attempt at a reading program and she loved it. The attendance was low this year, but that worked in her favor so she wasn't overwhelmed.


Nellie kept watching the doorway before the program, eager to greet anyone who attended. She wasn't disappointed and was given plenty of attention by the both the younger and older children. She did pay special attention to one 3 year old - I wonder if that's because he had a cookie!!! All in all it was a successful event and fun was had by all.



Scout Brings Comfort   - by Jim Kraus


I took Scout to Garden Spot Village Nursing Home this morning.  While
walking down the hall I passed the Chapel, where they were preparing for a
funeral service.  A man and woman walked over wanting to see Scout. I
recognized the woman, I visited her and her father the previous week in
Skilled Nursing. They were setting up for her father's funeral service. She said to the man "The last time dad smiled, he was petting this dog."  Then they walked back to the Chapel and I walked away with tears in my eyes.  


Clever Cat - from a friend of Karen Sage 


At my husband's memory care facility there are nearly always two dogs and a cat around. The cat spends the day walking from room to room "visiting". Ginger, it turns out, does not live at Regent Court but chose her therapy work. She belongs to neighbors and her people both work, so Ginger started showing up at Regent Court and let herself in when someone opened a door. Now the agreement is that Ginger can visit during the day, but she can't be fed and she'll be let out at 5 pm to come home. What a clever cat....


Junior - by Nicole Graybill 

I just wanted to let you know the visit at Millersville University went really well last night. The students loved the dogs! Junior and I walked in the door, and didn't even get into the official lobby area before we were swarmed by students - they loved him! It was really fun, and a lot of students stopped to see the dogs. It was definitely a worthwhile event. I might stop by another evening as well, since we are so close, and the students really loved it. We ended up sitting on the floor, and there was usually a group of students with us, and others would come as some left. I thought I'd have to roll Junior out the door from all the treats! I really love events like this, the little things can make a big difference! I would love to get this type of event here at the college (LGH College of Nursing and Health Sciences) - we are a little different though, since most students commute (so they can go home to their dogs each day). At the same time, it would certainly be a stress reliever before finals. I'll see what I can do.


Testimontials from the Receiving End!

Hospital Visits Mean A Lot

My fathers name is (withheld). He is currently in (withheld). He is in the hospital for pneumonia and a fall. Thirteen years ago he had a massive stroke and is disabled and unable to communicate very well. On Easter Sunday two therapy dogs (boxers) visited him. I can't tell you how excited and happy he was to get a visit from the dogs. When my mom and sister got there he searched for the card and acted out how he petted them. He was very excited. When I went to visit him I asked him about the card and he got a huge smile on this face and tried to tell me about the visit. Even though his entire family went to see him, clearly the highlight of his day was the visit from the therapy dogs. Thank you so much. If the dogs are in the hospital again he sure would love a visit.


College Students get Stress Relief 

Karen, we had a marvelous turnout with the KPETS. I estimate between 150-200 students came by and petted, kissed, and snuggled with the dogs, and you could see how much fun they were having (students and dogs, and their handlers, too, I believe). I also saw a number of students asking how to get involved with KPETS. Your wonderful organization really helped us make a positive difference during a stressful time. I hope you don't mind if we call upon KPETS again. Thank you so very much, Kelsey.   



Couldn't survive without our Sponsors!

 - and funding events!


Cleaning from the Heart - Have your home or office cleaned by Cleaning from the Heart and ten percent of the service cost will be donated to the charity of your choice - preferably KPETS. www.cleaningfromtheheart.com


Volunteer Family Pitches in with Family Yard Sale


-Just FYI Chester is now doing some carting... read on. This is an email from Diane Rima


Morning my friend, Had fun yesterday, and Chester pranced around in his KPETS uniform....received a few donations and gave a few wagon rides to very happy kids. We unanimously decided (our kids and us) to tithe to KPETS from our garage sale earnings....which were not huge, but none the less, every little bit helps! We love KPETS and all that God does through you and every team out there. With LOVE and Tail wags, Diane and Chester the Wagon-Master (Keith, Derek/Abby/Kai/Jack/& grand-golden Bailey-girl included!)


Oregon Dairy Carport Fundraiser - This easy fundraiser event raised $360 for KPETS. We made $200 in hot dog and soda sales and $160 in the donation jar! Woohoo! Thanks to all who came and helped make this event a huge success! Jenny Rule and her mom, Kate cooked the entire time!  God Love 'em! Other volunteers present were: LuAnn Bicevskis, Kate Bellone, Nancy Bouder, Ken Allen Slotnick, Wayne Bechtel & Scooby, Joe and Bonnie McDonald & Belle, Carol Carlson & Bob, Terri Willner & River, Amanda Scudner, Irene Lehman & Lyric, and Cindy Marshall & Kirby. Thanks to all who helped make this event a success!

Bon Ton Sales York - by Harriet Hombach


Our goal for Bon Ton sales at York Galleria was to earn $1,000 for KPETS. WE DID IT and then some!! Our total was $1,080, with more to come when Bon Ton sends their check in June! Those responsible for the success, are the following KPETS members, listed in no particular order: Maryann Beaverson, Christine Scott,  Fran Holt, Barbara Noll, Susan Hamberger, Nancy Dixon, Jill Herbert, Elaine Weems, Carol Barnhart, Janelle Senft, Pat Leonard, Cindy Rinehart, Amy Henry, and Harriet Hombach.   


All totalled, we covered 15 days and 38 hours selling books, with many working multiple days. For all of the hours of representing KPETS, and your dedication to KPETS, the only thing I can say is "Thank you, each and everyone". 


And don't forget to give a BIG hug to all your furry kids who everyone wanted to pet. They worked the crowds just right!


From Karen Gerth, Exec Dir: Thank you to all for participating in the BON TON Community Days (York and Lancaster)! And thank you to Harriet for coordinating all the dates and times and teams. Without Harriet's help,this would not have been the success it was! Thank you everyone! AND JUST ANOTHER TIDBIT OF AWESOME NEWS. They were only 13 booklets below the leader in sales. Next year, Harriet says we'll be number one! You go girl! God love ya! I'm sorry I don't have more details on Lancaster but it was over $680 raised! Bon Ton's Community Days is becoming a very important fund raiser too! Thank you all for your time and suppport!


BINGO SEASON will soon be upon us!

KPETS Largest Fund Raiser


KPETS largest fundraising event has been the Bingo games coordinated by Adella Houck at Outdoor World Circle M 2111 Millersville Road, Lancaster.


From the Bingo games each Friday night in July and August to the Bow Wow Brown Bag Bingo on Sunday of Labor Day Weekend, KPETS receives almost $10,000! That is H-U-G-E ! !

THANKS A MILLION TO: Barbara & Chad Noll, Rob and Deb Reidenbach, Amos & Trish Hess, Ken & Jane Johnson who were among the regulars last year AND are signing up for this year too. But we need more help! Please, if you can pitch in three Friday nights over the summer, it would help us so much.

Just email me and I can give you more details: Kareng@kpets.org THANKS!


PET FIRST AID Session  - Back by popular demand! 


If you missed the first one earlier this year, be sure to sign up for this one. Space is limited, so please RSVP to KarenG@kpets.org.  

What: Pet First Aid Class

Who: Nan Hanshaw, KPETS volunteer and veterinarian and PSART volunteer

When: Saturday, May 19 @ 9 am till noon-ish

Where: Blair Room, United Way Building 630 Janet Avenue, Lancaster

Cost: $10.

Back by Popular Demand!